Query Criterion Using External Keys

The <Entity> tag specifies how to look up Records in the repository. Currently, the only query method supported is by ExternalKeys. For different Entity types, the ExternalKeys have different semantics.

In this scenario, the Entity type is MasterCatalogRecord which has the following semantics:

Record Query - External Keys
Key Name Meaning Optional or Mandatory
The name of the repository containing records. This is the first key specified in the list. All subsequent keys make up the search criteria for the records in the catalog. Mandatory
ExternalKeys The criterion the record needs to meet to be selected — the name of the attribute and its value needs to be specified.

The keys are specified by using Key tag. It has the following attributes:

  • name — Name of the attribute.
  • operator — Operator to use for the search.

    For example:

    <Key name="FIRSTNAME" operator="eq">John</Key>

Note: All external keys provided in the request have to match for a record to be selected.

At this time, ‘AND’ is the only operator allowed for building the search criterion. This is implicit, and no user inputs are required. In other words, the query is:

Attribute1 = ‘Value1’ AND Attribute2 = ‘Value2’ …