Spawning the Catalog Synchronization Workflow at the End of Another Workflow

New and changed items can be synchronized to occur as part of any workflow in the system.

For example, after completing an NRIE workflow, the NRIE workflow can automatically be synchronized with the data pools and trading partners that need to receive this item.

Note: This optional capability requires configuration by TIBCO Professional Services.

A subscription catalog is created. It stores custom attributes of the following form:

Custom Attributes of Subscription Catalog
Brand UDEX Code Data Pool Trading Partner
Drills 05.0577.05* WWRE Retailer1
Drills 05.0577.05* WWRE Retailer2

Using the rulebase, any workflow can be configured to evaluate the subscription catalog against matching product attributes. The output is a list of matching data pools and trading partners. This output list is used to synchronize the new or changed item with the resulting data pools or trading partners.

All workflow actions and statuses are recorded in the Event Log.

Bundling Records

You can simplify the workflows by bundling the related records together, and hence avoid duplication of notifications and activities.

Writing Custom Workflows

Each workflow is in XML format and stored in a file. The main components are Activities and Transitions.

Activities define what is to be done, and Transitions tie together Activities. You can write custom workflows using the correct combination of Activities and Transitions.