Work Item Query Service - Outputs

The list of work items fitting the given search criteria (using external keys) are returned in the result.

Entity Data

Each work item returned in the result has the following attributes:

  • ActivityName — Name of the work item activity.
  • Age — Age of the work item. The format of age is D:H:M:S, which refers to date, hour, month, and seconds.
  • ClosedBy — Login name of the person who closed the work item. Returned only if workitem is closed.
  • ClosedByUserName — The first name and last name of the person who closed the work item. Returned only if workitem is closed.
  • ClosedOn — Date on which the work item was closed. Returned only if workitem is closed.
  • CreationDate — Date on which workitem was created.
  • Datapool — Name of the marketplace involved in the workflow.
  • Description — This is a dynamically generated description based on inbox configuration. This contains tokens to indicate the type of hyperlinks needed as part of the description. Please refer the Inbox configuration section for more details.
  • DocumentType — The document type associated with the work item.
  • DocumentTypeDescription — The description of the document type in the language of the user.
  • DocumentSubType — The document sub type associated with the work item.
  • DocumentSubTypeDescription — The description of the document sub type in the language of the user.
  • Eventreference — The ID used to reference the event to which a work item belongs.
  • Organization — Name of the organization to which a work item belongs.
  • OriginalWorkitemID — Only returned if applicable (for reassigned workitems only).
  • OriginalOwner — Login name of the original owner of the work item. Returned only if applicable (for reassigned workitems).
  • OriginalOwnerName — The first name and last name of the original owner of the work item. Returned only if applicable (for reassigned workitems).
  • Owner — The first name and last name of the owner of the work item. This is useful when the work supervisor wants to look at work items of all users in an organization.
  • OwnerName — The first name and last name of the owner of the work item.
  • OwnerType — Role/Member.
  • Partner — Name of the trading partner involved in the workflow.
    Note: Datapool and Partner are output only if they are associated with the work item.
  • State — State of the work item. OPEN/OPEN_TIMEDOUT/CLOSED and so on.
  • StateDescription — Description of work item state in user preferred language.
  • TaskType — The type of workflow. Example, CATALOGMESSAGE.
  • Workitemreference — A unique reference for each work item.
  • WorkitemType — Type of work item. Valid values are "Notifications" and "Action Items".

Records in Work Item

With each work item, the list of records associated with it are also listed. This is represented as a ‘Relationship’ of type ‘MasterCatalogRecord’.

For more information, refer to Records in Work Item in the Get Work Item Service.

Work Item Searching

You can search the work item based on a specific criteria. For example, you can add tags to work items using the CreateWorkitem activity, and then search for it.

Work Item Locking

For more information, refer to Work Item Lock Service.

Transaction Result

For more information, refer to TransactionResult.