Creating a Backend System Profile

Using the Backend System Profile, you can create a new backend system for your company. There are two ways to exchange data with a backend system: you can either publish data to the Datapool from where the data gets synchronized with the backend system, or you can deliver the data to the backend system directly via FTP or email.


  1. Click Administration > Backend System Profiles. The Backend System List screen is displayed.
  2. Click Create. The Backend System Profile screen is displayed.
  3. Enter the specific details in the fields on this screen to create the backend system. Click Save once you have specified the details.
    1. Backend System Profile — Define basic details, such as name and whether the backend system is Global.
    2. Contact Information — Provide contact information details such as phone number.
    3. (GDSN Only) Datapool participation — Subscribe or unsubscribe to datapools.
    4. Synchronization Defaults — Select the Default Synchronization Format to be used for the user. The Transport Mechanism specifies the delivery mode for the synchronization profile. The available mechanisms are email, FTP, and local.
    • Email: The email used here is the one specified in the Email field.
    • FTP: Specify the FTP details.
    • Local: Uses the communication mechanism of the Datapool that you are subscribed to.
    1. FTP Details — Specify the FTP details to use for the FTP transport mechanism.
  4. Click Save. The Backend System Profile details are saved.