Allowing Multiple Templates in a Domain

If you create a "default" template for a business process, and cannot create more templates after the first one, use this procedure to create more templates.


  1. Navigate to $MQ_HOME/config/security.
  2. Open the defaultdata.xml file.
  3. Search for the process for which you want to create more than one template. For example, "New Product Introduction Edit" can be appropriate search text. You may find multiple instances of this. For example:
    	<memberid id="memberid"/>
    	<description>Retailer person or role that will edit newly introduced products.</description>
    	<name>New Product Introduction Edit</name>
    	<orgid id="orgid"/>
  4. Look for a parameter called <restrictto>1</restrictto>. Change this number if you want to change the limit for the number of rule templates. If you don’t want to limit the number of rule templates, remove this entry.
  5. You do not need to log out or restart the server to see this change the graphical user interface.