Restore Relationship Information

When a record is restored, you can choose to restore relationships of the following versions:

  • Restored version
  • Latest version

For example, the latest version of record A is related to record B, C and D. An older version of record A was related to D and E. When the older version is restored, you can choose which of the relationships out of B, C, D and E are to be retained.

Relationships are restored subject to the following rules for merging a relationship:

  • Relationship metadata is retrieved from the latest version.
  • The latest version of the related record must be active. If the latest record version is active, all relationships of the latest version are selected during restore. If the latest record version is not active, the related records cannot be restored.
  • If a relationship is present in the previous version but it is not present in the latest version, the latest confirmed/unconfirmed version of the relationship (related record) is used.
  • If a relationship is present in both the versions (latest and previous), the relationships from the latest version are selected during restoration (mainly for correct relationship attributes).
  • The relationship must not be present in the latest record version.
  • If any latest related records of the previous/latest version are deleted, such records are not considered during merging.
  • If addition of any relationship from a previous version causes cyclic relations, the concerned relationship is not merged.
  • Only first level relationships are merged from the version being restored. Relationship attributes are also restored accordingly.
  • Relationship attributes correspond to the relationship which is kept, that is, from previous version or latest version.
  • When deleted or older record versions are restored, relationships associated with the restored version are also restored. Relationships of deleted or older version (forward and reverse) are restored based on relationship restore rules. Restored relationships can be identified through visual cue on the record UI.

The Relationship tab on the Modify Record screen displays:

  • Records related to the previous and latest version.
  • Merged relationships displayed in the Relationships tab.
  • Relationships merged from a previous version prefixed by a (*) in the relationship tree. On mouse over, text explaining the cue is displayed — Merged from version being restored.
  • The Reason Code and Reason for Change.