Record Query Based on Classifications

You can query records based on a classification scheme or code. To do this, define the classification scheme name and code as a context variable in the request.

  • ClassificationScheme — Specify the classification scheme name.
  • ClassificationCode — Specify the classification code to retrieve records classified in that code.
  • To get unclassified records, specify classification scheme name.
    Note: Only the eq operator is supported for classification code and scheme. If you do not specify the classification scheme, the classification code is ignored.

The following is a request example:

         	<Variable name="CLASSIFICATIONSCHEME"           type="string">LOCATION</Variable>
         	<Variable name="CLASSIFICATIONCODE"           type="string">INDIA</Variable>
	          <Command type="Query">
	             <MasterCatalogRecord etype="Entity">
		                    <Key name="MASTERCATALOGNAME">ADDRESS</Key>
                    <Key name="HOUSE_NO" operator="eq">105</Key>