Identify Product Quantity Changes

Use these keywords to identify the product quantity changes:

  • HAS_ANY_CHILD_CHANGED: returns TRUE if any of child products (based on traversal of the given forward relationship) have changed since they were last registered with the data pool.
  • HAS_CHILDREN: returns TRUE if the product has relationships defined, and has child records.
  • HAS_LINKED_QUANTITY_CHANGED: determines whether the quantity of a particular relationship has changed from an earlier defined quantity. It will also return TRUE if HAS_LINKED_RELATION_CHANGED is TRUE.
  • HAS_PUBLISHED_QUANTITY_CHANGED: determines whether or not any of the previously published records quantity defined for the record have been changed. Returns TRUE if quantity is changed for publish record. If no change in quantity, it returns FALSE.
  • IS_ROOT_RECORD: returns TRUE if the product has been explicitly selected for synchronization.
  • IS_PARENT: returns TRUE for all records reached using a reverse relationship starting from the root record.
  • IS_CHILD: returns TRUE for all records reached using specified relationship starting from the root record.


In this example, the user selected A for synchronization, and selected the Contains and ContainedBy relationships for processing. ContainedBy is defined as a reverse relationship of Contains.

While evaluating A, all related records are collected in the record bundle, with A as the root record. All records selected by traversal of the given relationships are included in the bundle. Refer to the Conditional Parent/Child Relationships table that follows.

  • A contains B
  • B contains C
  • Z contains A
  • Y contains Z
  • Z contains D
  • B, C, Z, Y and D are implicitly included.