Comparing Classification of Record Versions

The records are versioned as and when the data or classification is changed.


  1. Click Browse and Search.
  2. From the Repository Name drop-down list, select the name of the repository in which you want to compare records.
  3. Click the View All button. A list of records is displayed.
  4. Select a record whose versions you want to compare. The details of the record are displayed. The View Record screen is displayed.
  5. Click . The Compare Versions screen is displayed.
  6. Select the Classifications option from the Show Comparison For drop-down list. The Compare button is displayed in the Select Versions section.

    Differences are displayed in the Summary section. You can also select the All option to compare all properties of a record including classification.

    For more information on comparing versions of a record, refer to Comparing Versions of a Record.

    You can also view the change in versioning using the CompareRecord activity in the workflow. For information refer to the TIBCO MDM Workflow Reference.