Database Loader Interruptions during Import

Do not interrupt the loading process. Although, the Database Loader generates back-out scripts, it is a cluttered and time consuming process.

Additionally, it is almost impossible to back out if other users or processes have changed the imported data.

  • The Database Loader performance is dependent on the database, especially on the amount of assigned memory, rollback, and temporary table space. You may get an out of memory error thrown by the database or loader tools. When you see such errors, you need to either reduce the size of the data being loaded or increase the memory assigned to the database.
  • The Database Loader is designed for bulk data loads when there is no other activity on the server which changes metadata structures or record data.
  • Since the Database Loader is a bulk data imported, it reduces some of the internal processes.
  • Database Loader does not support populating of partitioning keys.
  • Data loaded through Database Loader neither generates change notifications nor updates the text index.
  • While using Database Loader, keep each batch size to 3-5 M. If you are using a more powerful database, you can use higher batches. As data is loaded, the subsequent loads take longer than previous loads, finally providing consistent performance after about 100 M records are loaded.
    • If any loading failures occur through Database Loader, you must clean up the failed job before initiating another load. You can use the Database Loader generated back out scripts for backout.