Customizing GUI Colors

Colors of different sections of TIBCO MDM GUI as well as the font type, weight, and text alignment on different UI labels can be customized.

This is achieved by modifying the CSS style sheet file styleforwidgets6.css located in ECM.ear/EML.war/css. Changes made to the CSS modify the GUI for all users on that particular instance, irrespective of the enterprise.

This is achieved by making a copy of ECM.ear/EML.war/css/styleforwidgets6.css and placing it in the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/htmlprops/css directory. Modify the required CSS style class. To better understand different CSS styles, refer to the section Style Sheet for GUI.

A custom CSS style sheet can also be placed by creating a custom.css file and placing it in the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/<enterprisename>/htmlprops/css directory.


  1. Open {MQ_HOME}\ECM.ear\EML.war and extract the styleforwidgets6.css file.
  2. Edit the CSS file for any GUI-related changes required and save the file. You can edit the CSS file in Notepad or use any CSS editing software available.

    To modify a particular part of the GUI, edit the relevant class in the CSS file. For a list of classes that need to be modified for different parts of the UI, refer to Style Sheet for GUI.

  3. Replace the updated CSS file in same {MQ_HOME}\ECM.ear\EML.war\.
  4. Deploy the updated ECM.ear on the application server.
  5. Restart the application.