Support for Classification Context

You can retrieve a list of category specific attributes along with other attributes while querying metadata by specifying a classification context. Specify a list classification schemes and code hierarchy in the <ClassificationSchemes> context.

Note: By default, category specific attributes are not included. You must specify a valid classification context to return category specific attributes in response.


     <ClassificationScheme name="FBT-SCHEME1">
        <ClassificationCode code="50201600">
            <ClassificationCode code="50201700">
                <ClassificationCode code="10000111"/>
                <ClassificationCode code="10000115"/>
  • Classification Scheme — Each classification scheme always has one root code. If you want to locate all category specific attributes, which apply to a classification scheme, specify only one level root code.
  • ALL — Specify to return all category specific attributes. For example,

If you do not specify <ClassificationSchemes> context, the category specific attributes are not returned.

The sample XML files are available at $MQ_HOME\schema\DataService\2.0\samples\repository\metadata:

  • RecordQueryMetaDataWithClassificationContextRequest.xml