Create User Service - Inputs

The table provides mandatory inputs for this web service.

Input Description


Login ID of the Super User, Work Supervisor, or Administrator.


Password for the specified user name.


Name of the enterprise of the Super User, Work Supervisor, or Administrator.


Unique name for the new user.

The Username can accept the following special characters as a part of the name:

* (asterisk)

. (period)

- (minus)

@ (at)

/ (Forward Slash)

\ (Backward Slash)

These special characters are accepted when you enter the user name while adding permissions, roles, and users. These can be used when referring to the user name in a dataset of a File Watcher and also while referring to the user name in a workflow.



First name of the user.


Last name of the user.


Password for the new user name.

Note: This input is not mandatory, if you select the Security Type as LDAP.



Name of the enterprise for which the user is created. Note: This input is not required if you want to create a new user in the same enterprise where the user is logged-in.
IsEncrypted Specify true if you want the password in the encrypted format.

Specify false if you do not want the password in the encrypted format.



Specify the password that you want to update.

Note: If you have specified true for the IsEncrypted attribute, specify the encrypted password. While logging into TIBCO MDM from UI as well as from the web service, specify the decrypted form of a password.

If you have specified false for the IsEncrypted attribute, specify the plain text password. While logging into TIBCO MDM from UI as well as from the web service, specify the as is password mentioned in the request file.



Type of security.

Allowed Values are Password or LDAP. If you select the LDAP security type, the user must already exist in the LDAP directory server.



Specify role details of a user from the existing roles specified for the Enterprise such as, the repository editor, repository manager, and so on.


Only a language supported by TIBCO MDM is accepted. This input is mandatory if country is specified. Country can be kept blank with language value specified.


Name of the country of the new user. Language is mandatory if country is specified.


Only a date format value supported by TIBCO MDM is accepted. By default, DD-MM-YY value is specified in the request XML file. You can change the specified date format. The supported date format values are:


Only a time format value supported by TIBCO MDM is accepted. By default, hh:mm:ss value is specified in the request XML file. You can change the specified time format. The supported time format values are:
  • hh:mm:ss (24 hours)
  • hh:mm:ss AM/PM (12 hours)




Only a timestamp format value supported by TIBCO MDM is accepted. By default, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S value is specified in the request XML file. You can change the specified timestamp format. The supported timestamp format values are:
  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S -Time is displayed in 24 hours format with milliseconds. .S indicates milliseconds.
  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S AM/PM - Time is displayed in 12 hours format with miliseconds.
  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S z - Time is displayed in 24 hours format with milliseconds and time zone. Z indicates time zone.
  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S AM/PM z - Time is displayed in 12 hours format with milliseconds and time zone.
Only time zone ID is accepted. For example, Asia/Kolkata. By default, Asia/Tokyo value is specified in the request XML file. You need to specify the time zone ID from the 151 time zones supported list. The supported time zones are listed in a text file. The UserProfileTimeZoneList.txt and AllTimeZoneList.txt files. The files are located at $MQ_HOME\mdm\8.3\common\standard\samples\timezone folder.