Faults of Administrator Web Services

The table lists the faults of the Administrator web services.

Faults of Administrator Web Services
Web Service Name Faults
Login If the specified credentials are wrong, Authentication failed for user <Parameter name='USER'> and company <Parameter name='ENTERPRISE'> message is returned.
Logout If you get any errors while logging out, Error during logout. Invalid or expired session message is returned.
Get Entitlement If user does not have privilege, User '<user name>' does not have permission to view entitlement message is returned.
Create Enterprise If user does not have privilege, User <USERNAME> not authorized to Create Enterprise message is returned.
Get Enterprise List If other than Administrator and Super User invokes this web service, the authentication failure message is returned.
Create User If user does not have privilege, User <USERNAME> not authorized to Create User message is returned.
Modify User If you specify wrong values for the attributes in the request.xml file, an error message is returned. For example,
  • Wrong parameters specified in the <UserInfo> tag, Invalid company <companyname> message is returned.
  • User credentials specified in the <UserInfo> tag other than administrator and work supervisor, User <username> not authorized to Modify User message is returned.
  • If the specified user name does not exist, User not defined message is returned.
  • If wrong enterprise name is specified in the <ModifyUserDetails> tag, the Cannot find specified company <companyname> message is returned.
  • Mismatch combination in the <LocaleSettings> tag, the Locale <languagename> is not supported message is returned.
  • If username is not specified, Enterprise cannot be specified if user is not specified message is returned.
  • If first name is not specified, First Name mandatory. Provide First Name message is returned.
  • If first name is modified more than 80 characters, Length of First Name more than maximum allowed length 80 message is returned.
  • If last name is modified more than 80 characters, Length of Last Name more than maximum allowed length 80 message is returned.
  • If middle name is modified more than 80 characters, Length of MiddleName more than maximum allowed length 80 message is returned.
  • If password is modified more than 30 characters, Length of Password more than maximum allowed length 30 message is returned.
Change Password If you do not specify a password in the request.xml file, the Password should not be null or blank message is returned.
Delete User If user does not have pr i vi ledge, User <USERNAME> not authorized to Delete User message is returned.
Get User List If the user list is not available, No Users exist message is returned.
Get Role List If the role list is not available, No Roles exist message is returned.