Advanced Purge

The AdvancedPurge activity purges all historical data from the system (except data involved in BCT tables) and a list of files to be removed is generated.

For more details on configuring Advanced purge and how it works, refer to the TIBCO MDM System Administrator’s Guide.

For more details on the parameters and usage rules of the AdvancedPurge activity, refer to the Activities chapter in the TIBCO MDM Workflow Reference.

Usage Guidelines

Some usage guidelines for the AdvancedPurge activity are:

  • Use the AdvancedPurge activity when the focus is on cleaning the data quickly rather than precisely.
  • Use AdvancedPurge in situations where you want more control on the purge process. Since the AdvancedPurge activity uses Oracle’s stored procedure, you can customize the procedure to change the purge process easily. The standard Purge activity is not easily customizable like the AdvancedPurge activity.
  • AdvancedPurge may purge some of the GeneralDocument entries which a ProcessLog might be referring to. So, if accuracy of purging is of high importance, do not use AdvancedPurge.

Workflow Customization

You can customize the Oracle stored procedure used by the AdvancedPurge activity. The script, Create_Purge_Package.sql, used to create the procedure is supplied as a sample in the $MQ_HOME\common\standard\samples\scripts directory.

You can also customize the Java class, com.tibco.mdm.workflow.engine.activities.FilesAndDirectoriesCleaner, which purges the Work directory content and Temp directory content. This class is used in the PurgeFilesThroughShellScript and PurgeTempFiles workflow activities. A sample Java class,, is located in the $MQ_HOME\common\standard\samples\workflow directory.

Invoking the Activity From the Standard Purge Workflow

The isAdvanced parameter of the UpdateEvent activity is commented by default. To invoke the AdvancedPurge activity from the workflow, uncomment the isAdvanced parameter.

<!--Parameter direction="in" name="isAdvanced" type="boolean" eval="constant">true</Parameter-->