Reviewing Work Item Details


  1. Click Review in the Work Item Details section. The Record Review and Rejection screen is displayed.
  2. Check the Rejections checkbox to view only the rejected attributes, or click the Changes checkbox to view only changed attributes. By default, all attributes are shown.
  3. Select the Last Confirmed or Previous radio button to select the version to be compared. A list of the old and new values are displayed in the table in the Old Value and Value columns respectively. You can also compare relationship attributes in this screen.
    • Mark attributes for rejection by checking the Reject checkbox for the appropriate attribute, and by providing a reason for the rejection in the Reason for Rejection field.
  4. Click Save after all the changes are made.

    Based on resource and rulebase security, you can also perform the following actions from this screen:

    • Modify
    • Compare
    • History
    • Show Usage
  5. If you have rejected any attributes, a Send for correction checkbox appears in the Record Introduction screen. Check this checkbox to send the record for corrections.
  6. Click Submit to submit the work item for approval.

    If a Data Custodian Business Process is set, a work item is created for the data custodian for corrections.