Future Effective Date (FED) Records

For Future Effective Date records, you must define an ID, Extension, and Version.

Additionally, you can add the following:

  • Add multiple versions of FED records.
  • Create a new version of record, if you have made changes to the record data and/or to the EffectiveDate.

The EffectiveDate specified at the context level applies to all records and relationship. However, to overwrite it on individual record level, specify the new data value for the EFFECTIVEDATE attribute.

For a relationship with EffectiveDate, specify the relationship effective date in context so that related record is returned according to the relationship effective date.

While modifying a FED record version, the RECORD VERSION parameter is mandatory. For example,

<Key name="RECORD_VERSION" type="int">1</key>
Note: In the Record Add web service, if you do not specify EFFECTIVEDATE, the record is saved as a current timestamp record and a confirmed version is created.