Synchronizing a Synchronization Profile

To export synchronization profiles, repositories associated with a specific output map should be synchronized. Records involved in a cross-repository relationship are exported based on the relationships between records and output maps.

For more information on Output Maps, refer to the section Output Maps.


  1. Click Master Data > Synchronization Profiles. The Synchronization Profile screen is displayed.
  2. Select the checkbox against the synchronization profile name that you want to synchronize and click Synchronize. If you do not have an existing synchronization profile, create one by referring to the section Creating a Synchronization Profile. The screen that is displayed has the information that you filled in when you created the synchronization profile.
  3. Click Synchronize. The Synchronization Status screen is displayed.
  4. Click Check Progress to monitor the progress of synchronization. Once the synchronization process is over, if you have chosen Local to be the delivery mechanism, a ZIP file is created.
  5. Click Download next to Data File to open the output files.

    You can verify the records in the output text file. For more information, refer to Synchronization Output File.