Record Query ValidValues Service - Inputs

Command type

The Command type needs to be set to ‘Query’, and the entity command qualifier is set to ‘ValidValues’.

<Command type="Query">

<MasterCatalogRecord commandqualifier="ValidValues" etype="Entity" type="MasterCatalogRecord">

For ValidValuesInit, the command qualifier must be ‘ValidValuesInit’.

Query Directives


Support for Bundles

A Record Bundle is a list of records related to each other by defined relationships. The relationships are defined in the <Relationship> section of the request/response XML. The ‘ValidValues’ web service works on a record bundle. However, ‘ValidValuesInit’ works only with a single repository record.

External Keys

The external keys have the following semantics:

Key Meaning Required
The name of the repository which contains the records. Mandatory.
PRODUCTID of the record for which the valid values are sought. Optional. When this is empty, the system assumes that the record doesn’t exist and is being newly created. In a record bundle, only one record item can have its PRODUCTID empty.
This is an optional key used to identify a record. Optional.

Entity Data

The Entity data section contains attribute values corresponding to a record. However, in case of ‘ValidValuesInit’, this section can be empty when a record is being added or values are being queried for the first time.

In case of ‘ValidValues’, the request needs to include values of the attributes. Given attribute values are used for evaluating the valid values for each attribute. When a record is part of a record bundle, to get valid values as dictated by the rulebase, the request must provide the entity data of all the record items that are part of the record bundle.

Record Action Intended

You can specify the action that you want to perform on the data that is being queried. The valid record actions are:

  • ADD

You can specify the record action in the Context section of the request. For example,

  	<Variable name="RECORD_ACTION" type="string">ADD</Variable>

For more details on RECORD_ACTION, refer to Appendix A Context Variables in TIBCO MDM Studio Rulebase Designer User’s Guide.