CheckRecordState Input and Output options

The input and output options for CheckRecordState activity are as follows:

CheckRecordState Input and Output Options
CheckRecordState Value Input Output
CheckInWorkflow record list A record list of all the bundles with records in Workflow.
 MLXML document The input MLXML Document with the ItemState/InWorkflow node for each CatalogItem updated with true if the record is in workflow, and false if the record is not in workflow.
 record list A record list of all the bundles with records that do not exist in the repository for the record list. The repository checked is the repository in the record list.
 MLXML document The input MLXML Document with the ItemState/Exists node for each CatalogItem updated with true if record exists in repository, and false if record does not exist in repository. The repository checked is determined from the MasterCatalog tag in the CatalogItem node or in the CatalogActionHeader node.