Faults of Event Management Web Services

The table lists the faults of the Event Management web services.

Faults of Event Management Web Services
Web Service Name Menu Privilege
Get Event Info The following messages are returned in response:
  • Not authorized to view event details.
  • Event not yet started.
  • Event does not exist or executed in memory; no other details available.
Get Event Details If the event ID is not found, Event does not exist or executed in memory; no other details available message is returned.
Get Import Event Status The following messages are returned in response:
  • If the specified enterprise name is incorrect, Invalid company <company_name> error is returned.
  • If the specified password is incorrect, Cannnot authenticate credentials with user name <user_name>, domain <domain_name> error is returned.
  • If the specified user name is incorrect, User user_name does not exist error is returned.
  • If an Event ID is incorrect then Event does not exist or executed in memory; no other details available error is returned.