Repository Change Notifications

Repository change notifications include the following additional data:

Repository Change Notifications
Field Description Data Type
Version Unique version number. The version number along with the RecordKeyID constitutes the primary key. Int or Integer
UserID Unique ID of the user who made the change. Long
UserName Login name of the user. String
RepositoryID ID of the repository. Long
RepositoryName Name of the repository. String
  • Only repository metadata change generates the event. Event is not generated for associated objects (that is, classifications, input maps, output maps, and so on).
  • When attribute groups are changed using the “Manage Attribute Groups” options on the UI, the notification is generated with GROUP_CHANGE action. Typically, a group change can be ignored by most of the receivers.
  • Default is specified as “.*” which means all repositories. If change notifications are enabled, the notifications will be generated for all repositories. To limit notifications for specific repositories, you can replace this regular expression by specific list of repositories.