Effective Date Work Item Status

Effective Date Work Item Status
Status Description
Record with Future Effective Date When a work item is approved it behaves the same way as other records, except the record CONFIRMED version is not saved or updated in Golden Copy, as it is future dated.
Record with Current Effective Date When a work item is approved it behaves the same way as records with current or null Effective dates. The record CONFIRMED version is saved or updated in Golden Copy. The record is not eligible for the scheduler's action as a future dated record.
Record with Past Effective Date When a work item is approved it behaves the same way as records with current, null, or past dated Effective date. The record CONFIRMED version is saved or updated in Golden Copy. The record is not eligible for the scheduler's action as a future dated record.
Record with Past Effective Date and if greater than Confirmed version exists When a work item is approved it behaves in the same way as an UNCONFIRMED record with a current, null, or past dated Effective date. The record is automatically merged with a greater CONFIRMED version if there are no conflicting attributes. If there are conflicts, it creates a conflict work item.