Current Data Acceptance

Businesses typically choose this strategy when they are replacing an existing master data management solution (such as SAP) with TIBCO MDM or when a company uses legacy source systems to create a valid snap shot for master data.

The company may decide that the data being presented was good for their master data needs until this point. This effectively creates two classes of master data: before and after TIBCO MDM go-live (stricter data rules are used to validate data after going live).

You can use Database Loader to load the before TIBOC MDM go -live data. Database Loader skips the validations and imports the data. Regular import of after migration data triggers the new validation rules when accessed for the first time. You may need to modify this type of data to bring it into alignment.

Use the current data acceptance approach if the before TIBCO MDM data is uplifted over the time, giving you more time to work on the data.

The potential drawback is that it may leave records in a state which cannot be updated later as the validation rules may have several preconditions that cannot be met. These cases need manual intervention to correct the data.