
Transitions define the next course of action once an activity is executed. Transitions may have a condition (guard) associated with them.

Used to “glue” activities together, transitions are located at the very end of the workflow definition. When an activity has finished executing, the Process engine will go through all transitions that have the attribute FromActivity set to the name of the activity that just finished. There could be more than one transition from one activity to another. All transitions are evaluated in the order in which they appear in the workflow file. The first one that is applicable (either has no guard or whose guard evaluates to True) will be picked, and the WorkflowManager will then execute the activity specified by that transition’s ‘ToActivity’ attribute.

There two types of transitions: simple transitions and conditional or guarded transitions. In addition, there are 3 special transitions: timeout, cancel and error.

Note: Do not execute any code which is not for transition evaluation. Instead, use custom activities. Do not do any transaction management.

By default, transitions are not transactional; if you want to make transitions transactional, contact TIBCO Support.