Conditions in Rule Template

The "Process Name" workflow name is selected based on conditions.

The following are standard conditions in the default rule template:

Conditions in Rule Template
Condition Name Description
Document Type Key request identifier, indicates the type of request.
Document Sub Type Key request identifier, indicates the type of request.
Repository Name The name of the Repository.
Synchronization Profile The synchronization profile.
Sender Organization The enterprise that created the workflow request.
Receiver Organization The enterprise that should process the workflow.
Note: For most of the workflow requests, the sender and receiver enterprises are the same. However, enterprises can be different in a multi-enterprise configuration or for requests received from other applications.
Receiver organization type The organization within the receiver enterprise for which this workflow is targeted.
Software Edition The edition of the software (MDM or GDSN).
Document format The format of the document (such as mlXML).
Resubmit (Optional) used to resubmit events.
Dequeued (Optional) used to de-queue events.
Redeliver (Optional) used for workflow failover