Work Item Query Service - Inputs

Command type

Command type needs to be set to ‘Query’ and the command qualifier must be empty.

<Command type="Query">
	<Workitem etype="Entity"> 

Query Directives

<MaxCount> can be specified to limit the number of work items returned, should more than one work item match the query.

<StartCount> can be specified to achieve windowing/pagination of a large result set. In combination with MaxCount, the caller can control which ‘page’ of the result set needs to be returned.

<Command type="Query">
You can sort work items using the <OrderByColumnList> query directive based on one or more columns in an ascending or descending order. Ensure that the repository column name must be prefixed with #. For example,

External Keys

The external keys are used to locate list of parameters and their valid values.

Key Meaning Required
The state of the work items. Optional.

Default is ‘OPEN’.

The start date from which the work list is required. Optional.

Default is null (no start date).

The end date until which the work list is required. Optional.

Default is current date.

Type of work items being queried. Optional.

Valid values are:

Action Items



Default ‘ALL’.

The document sub type. Optional.

Default ‘ALL’.

The name of the datapool or integration hub. Optional

Default ‘ALL’.

The name of the partner or backend system. Optional.

Default ‘ALL’.

Whether action items should be shown first. Optional.

Default – worklist is unsorted.

The username of the owner of the work item. If the owner is not the same as the user who initiated the web service, the owner must have permissions to view the work items of other users. Optional.

Default – The username of the profile used in the service request.

Value of a record attribute.

NOTE: For query by this parameter to work, configurations are necessary as part of the inbox customization.

Search work items for the specified event. Optional.
Search work items based on custom attributes. For example,
<Key name="CustomAttribute">LegacySystem</Key>

Default is null

Search work items based on specified search conditions. You can specify this key along with other conditions. The Search condition must be specified in the following formats:
  • Native SQL format valid for configured database
  • Only the WHERE clause (Do not include values to select.)
  • The WHERE clause must assume a join on the WORKITEM and WORKITEMDETAIL tables. Alias for the WORKITEMDETAIL table is workitemdetail and alias for the WORKITEM table is workitem.

    The condition is applied as AND with other conditions and it is applied without any processing. If it is invalid, an SQL error is thrown. The application does not display the error. For example,

    <Key name="NativeCondition"> = 'PRODUCTVERSION' and workitemdetail.value = ‘2'</Key>

Default is null

Search work items based on the tagged keywords. Keywords are configured when a work item is created in the workflow. For example,
<Key name="Keyword">HighPriority</Key>

Default is null