Work Item List

The Inbox includes a list of assigned and delegated tasks referred to as work items. Work items are assigned based on the business process rule configured for an organization. You may also receive work items delegated to you by others as a result of reassignment of work items.

Work items are of two types:

  • Notifications: These work items are for information only, and notify you of an event. To close a work item, either submit the work item or check the appropriate checkbox and click Close. You can select all the work items on a single page by checking the checkbox in the header. Checking the header checkbox applies to only open work items.
  • Action Items: These work items require some action, such as an approval. Open each work item and take action. Once you have completed the task, submit the work item. These work items cannot be selected for closing.

The Show Action Items First search check box is deprecated instead a new sortable and configurable Work Item Type column is added. You can sort the work items in this column based on the work item type whether it is an action item or a notification. To include the Work Item Type column in the Inbox UI, click Configure and select the Work Item Type attribute. For more information, refer to Configuring Columns Displayed in Various Tables. For more information on Future Dated Records, refer to Effective Date Records.

You can change the default number of work items displayed per page. For more details, refer to TIBCO MDM Customization.