Customizing Workflow Selection
- Add an entry of the workflow in the CONFIGURATIONDEFINITION table. Set the organization ID of the organization for which customization is to be done. For example: INSERT INTO CONFIGURATIONDEFINITION(ID, "TYPE", OWNERID, GLOBAL, "NAME", SELECTOR, DESCRIPTION, DEFINITIONTYPE, DEFINITION, ACTIVE, MODMEMBERID, MODDATE, MODVERSION) VALUES ('4', 'PROCESSNAME', '1', 'Y', 'wfin26productaddapprovalv3.xml', 'WORKFLOW', 'wfin26productaddapprovalv3.xml', 'File', 'standard/workflowwfin26productaddapprovalv3.xml', 'Y', '1', TO_DATE('15-03-2006 04:01:00 pm','DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM'), '1');
Note: If your workflows are available in a folder other than
$MQ_COMMON_DIR/standard, ensure that you have provided the appropriate path in the query.
- If the DOCTYPE or DOCSUBTYPE is different or not provided out-of-the-box, add an entry in the DOMAINENTRY table with domaintype as DOCTYPE/DOCSUBTYPE. For example: INSERT INTO DOMAINENTRY ( DOMAINTYPE, VALUE, DESCRIPTION ) VALUES ('DOCSUBTYPE', 'Loader', 'Loader'); INSERT INTO DOMAINENTRY ( DOMAINTYPE, VALUE, DESCRIPTION ) VALUES ('DOCTYPE', 'DBLoader', 'DBLoader');
- Log in to the organization.
- Select the process definition selection. If the out-of-box condition is not per the requirement, add a new condition provided in the templates.
- Create a rule through the rule creation menu.
Note: Rules are executed in order of definition. So a default rule could end up overriding an explicit one, if it is placed first.
For example, if a default rule with doctype=Record Edit and docsubtype=any is specified before an explicit rule with doctype=Record Edit and docsubtype=Record, the default rule gets executed.
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