Cache Troubleshooting

Resolve the errors that you may come across during the Cache operations.

Cache Troubleshooting
Issue Description Solution
TIBCO MDM server start-up failure on JBOSS clustered setup
Issue 1 The following ClassNotFoundException is displayed while starting TIBCO MDM server with ActiveSpaces on JBoss clustered environment.

INF-7508: remote_exception Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

Start the as-agent by passing the Djava.ext.dirs=$AS_HOME/lib parameter.
Issue 2 The following UnsatisfiedLinkError is displayed while starting TIBCO MDM server with ActiveSpaces on JBoss clustered environment.

Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: $AS_HOME/lib/ java: fatal: $AS_HOME/lib/ wrong ELF data format: ELFDATA2LSB (Possible cause: endianness mismatch)

  • Copy ECMClasses.jar from $MQ_HOME/lib/mq to $AS_HOME/lib.
  • Run the following command:

    $MQ_HOME/bin/as/version/lib> java -Djava.ext.dirs=$MQ_HOME /bin/as/

where metaspace_name is the value of property from Configurator and Discovery URL is the value of property. This is applicable if the value for the property is specified as LEECH.

Incorrect cache configuration The following java.lang.RuntimeException is displayed on Linux environment and Windows cluster environment:
:java.lang.RuntimeException: Incorrect configuration for cache. See exception:INVALID_ARG (command_line_arg_invalid - -listen argument tcp://localhost:9805, none of the listen URL is available)
For UNIX or Linux: Run the following command:

On the command line, type cd etc.

Type ll.

Type vi hosts. The IP address and host name are displayed.

Type localhost after the host name.

Save the changes.

For Windows:

Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.

Open the hosts file. The file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names.

Type localhost after host name. For example, localhost.

Save the file.

Some Cache operations throw an exception. Some Cache operations, such as, Get, Put, Take, and Update throw an exception. These exceptions are handled by the application. If any errors occur in the Cache Server, restart the Cache server, and then restart TIBCO MDM.