WSDL and XML Schema Generation

During the WSDL generation process, four files are created: WSDL, Request XSD, Response XSD, and Generic Type.

  • WSDL: contains the primary contract with the new service definition and the four primary operations (add, delete, update, and find). It uses the interoperable document literal representation.
  • Request XSD: contains a type definition of the entire repository and for each attribute of the repository. This type should have the type mappings as described in table XSD Types, including the TIBCO MDM property length which should map for example to xsd:maxLength for a string. The three write operations (add, modify, delete) will have an entire record as input, only the read operation (find) will have a record id as input - and return the entire record as response.
    Note: The types definition are defined in the repository model. If you want to change the type definition it must changed at the repository model level.
  • Response XSD: includes the request type definitions and therefore does not need to create many dynamic types. Only for the Response itself, it will create a type for all four operations. Furthermore, the ResultType and EventType is contained in there which is used by the three write operations responses.
  • Generic Type: contains the UserInfo type.
    XSD Types
    Type Name Type Mapping Type Attributes
    MDM BOOLEAN Xsd:boolean -
    MDM Integer
    Xsd:integer -
    MDM Decimal
    Xsd:decimal MDM length xsd:fractionDigits
    MDM String
    Xsd:string MDM length, xsd:maxInclusive
    MDM File
    Xsd:string Xsd:maxLength = 255
    MDM Amount
    Xsd:decimal MDM length


    MDM Custom Decimal
    Xsd:decimal MDM Length, Xsd:fractionDigits
    MDM Date