Management of Hierarchies

If a data model is deeply nested or has a deep hierarchy, you have to configure the switches.

The switches are described in the following table to control the depth and optimize performance:

Parameter Description
com.tibco.cim.optimization.recordbundleview.optimaldepth Defines the depth of the bundle to be loaded for view. This parameter is useful when you do not want to review the records from lower levels of the hierarchy.
com.tibco.cim.optimization.recordbundlevalidation.depth Defines the depth of the bundle for validation. If none of the nodes change (at any level) in the hierarchy, the validation is not done for child records of the modified node at depths higher than this value. Changed data is always validated. Use this parameter when the validation of the child records are not dependant on the data of parent records. By indicating that the child records need not be validated unless changed, TIBCO MDM can optimize validations of the hierarchy.
tibco.optimization.recordbundle.excluderelationship Specifies which relationships you can ignore for navigation through bundling. The list can include relationships defined for either direction (forward or backward). It is typically used to enforce one way navigation.
com.tibco.cim.optimization.recordview.skipcustomvalidation Specifies that custom validation class specified for a record can be bypassed for viewing. The default value is true, unless you want to override the validation class with some custom code.
com.tibco.cim.ui.optimization.recordsearch.relationship.depth Defines the depth of the hierarchy available for Configuration of the search panel. This switch determines the depth of search within the hierarchy.
com.tibco.cim.optimization.recordsearch.relationship.depth Defines the depth of the hierarchy for search. It applies to web services.