Record Delete Service - Inputs

Command Type

The valid command types are:

  • ‘Delete’ – This should be used when you need to delete a repository record or related target records.

The entity command qualifier is set to any of the following:

  • ‘Record’ – Deletes the specified record and initiates the delete workflow.
  • ‘RelationshipTargets’ – Deletes only the related records and initiates the delete workflow. Optionally, relationship name can be specified.
  • ‘Record/NoProcess’ – Deletes the specified record and confirms it immediately without initiating the workflow. User must have required privileges.
  • ‘RelationshipTargets/NoProcess’ – Deletes only the related records and confirms it immediately without initiating the workflow. Optionally, relationship name can be specified. User must have required privileges.
  • ‘DeleteAll’ – Deletes the specified record/related records and initiates the workflow. Optionally, relationship name can be specified.
  • ‘DeleteAll/NoProcess’ – Deletes the specified record/related records and confirms the record immediately. Optionally, relationship name can be specified. User must have required privileges.
  • Command qualifier not specified or blank – This causes both the record and the relationship target records to be deleted and delete workflow is initiated. It is recommended that DeleteAll be used instead of a blank command qualifier.

Execution Mode

The execmode can be set to either SYNCHR or ASYNCHR. For more information, refer to Execution Modes.

Query Directives


External Keys

To delete a record you must specify either of the following:

  • productkeyid
  • productid AND productidext
    Key Meaning Required
    The PRODUCTKEYID value of the record. Either specify productkeyid or productid and productidext. Either one of these keys is mandatory.
(and) PRODUCTIDEXT PRODUCTID and PRODUCTIDEXT of the record for which the valid values are sought. Either specify productkeyid or productid and productidext.