Classification of Records

You can classify records into the specified classification using the <ClassificationSchemes> context while adding or modifying a record.

Note: You can classify records only for classification schemes for which the Manual extraction method is selected.

The following actions are supported for the classification scheme:

  • Classify – Classifies a record into the specified classifications. This is default action.
  • Unclassify – Unclassifies a record from the specified classifications.
  • UnclassifyAll – Unclassifies a record from all existing classifications.
  • Replace – Unclassifies a record from all existing classifications and classifies them into specified classifications.

Specify the classifcations in the following sequence:

  • Name of a classification scheme
  • Actions for a classification scheme
  • Classification code: Specify the code hierarchy by nesting the ClassificationCode tag. Ensure that you specify the classification code and not the classification code name.

    Refer to the following request example:

      <ClassificationScheme name = "GamesAndToys" action="Classify">
        <ClassificationCode code="86010100">
          <ClassificationCode code="10005133">
            <ClassificationCode code="20000045"/>

Specify the exact hierarchy of classifications in the context starting from level one. If there is a mismatch in hierarchy, an error is returned.

Alternatively, instead of classifying record by adding it in the request you can add it in the context variable.

  <Variable name="CLASSIFICATIONCODEPATH"> GamesAndToys/86010100/10005133/20000045</Variable>

and have the following rulebase

    <categorize incremental="true">

CLASSIFICATIONCODEPATH in webservice context is a Name- Value pair. You can use any Name-Value pair to do classification using rulebase and webservice context. SchemeNames followed by a forward slash (/) delimter is used to define a complete codepath. If you have multiple codepath use comma(,) separator.

You can use it with Record ADD/MODIFY, Record Query web services. It can be used to get List of Values, provide access based on the category.

The sample request and response XML files for all actions are available in the following locations:

  • Classify Action:
    • $MQ_HOME/schema/DataService/2.0/samples/repository/record-add_modify_delete/MasterCatalogRecord-Add-ManualClassify-Request.xml
  • Unclassify Action:
    • $MQ_HOME/schema/DataService/2.0/samples/repository/record-add_modify_delete/MasterCatalogRecord-Modify-ManualUnclassify-Request.xml
  • Unclassify All Action:
    • $MQ_HOME/schema/DataService/2.0/samples/repository/record-add_modify_delete/MasterCatalogRecord-Modify-ManualUnclassifyAll-Request.xml
  • Replace Action:
    • $MQ_HOME/schema/DataService/2.0/samples/repository/record-add_modify_delete/MasterCatalogRecord-Modify-ManualReplace-Request.xml