Basic Search Options

The Basic Search Options table lists and describes the basic search options you can use to filter work items.

Basic Search Options
Basic Search Options Description
State Filter work items based on the selected work item’s status. You can select All, Open, Closed, Cancelled, or Timed Out work item states. Timed Out work items are identified by a icon beside them.
Type Filter work items based on the selected work item’s type. You can select the following work item types: All, Action Items, and Notifications.
Repository Filter work items based on the selected repository. A list of created repositories is displayed in the Filter by Repository drop-down list. Select a repository from the list, and the work items included in the selected repository are displayed.
User Filter work items based on the selected user. A list of work items created by the selected user is displayed.

Note: The User drop-down list is displayed only for the Administrator role.