Cancellation of Import

When large batches of data are being processed, the batches are split in smaller batches and processed in parallel. To cancel the import in such situation may be difficult. You can cancel the import only after all the batches are created and sent for processing.

After the Cancel action is performed, any remaining batches which are not yet processed are abandoned. If import was confirmed to set the record state to DRAFT, all the data imported so far is also cancelled. Besides, cancel may also possible during the transition between the batch processing activities.

When you click Cancel, the isCancelled flag is set to true. It is set to true when the Import process is in progress. The activity in progress gets completed but the subsequent activities get cancelled. For example, if the Import process was Applying Rulebases when you clicked Cancel, the Import process will complete applying the rulebase, but it will not perform the subsequent activities and prematurely exit the process.