Customization of Landing Page

The landing page is the first page which is displayed after logging in. By default, the Inbox is the landing page. After a session expires and you log in to the application again, the landing page changes.

Using a map file, urlmap.prop, the landing page is mapped to a user role and is externalized. It is similar to the rolemap.prop map file used in single sign on. Using a text editor you can edit the mapping and specify the URL of the landing page.

The mapping of roles to the landing page is enterprise specific so that different mappings can be used for multi-tenancy. The urlmap.prop file is stored in enterprise directory similar to the rolemap.prop file.

The urlmap.prop file is searched in the enterprise specific directory, followed by /standard directory. However, if the urlmap.prop file is not found in the specified directory, Inbox is selected as the landing page.

The sample urlmap.prop file.

SUPERUSER=EnterpriseList?action=list&menulink=Enterprise Profiles
Repository\Manager=CatalogList?menulink=Master Catalogs
Admin=MemberList?menulink=User Accounts

To customize the landing page:

  • Specify the complete URL in rolename=URL

    The URL must be similar to the URL specified in allmenu.xml file. Do not specify the menulink parameter if the URLs do not correspond to the menus. The role name refers to role as defined in the ROLE table. The role name appears in various UI screen. However, as the role names are also translated using the resource bundle, avoid using the translated role name in the mapping.

  • If the role name contains a blank space, specify the URL which maps to an MDM screens in Repository\Manager=URL.

If more than one role is assigned, each role can have different landing pages. The order of the list in the urlmap.prop file determines the landing page. For example, if you have Admin and RepoManager roles and the order of the entries in urlmap.prop file are as follows:


URL1 is selected as the landing page.


URL2 is selected as the landing page.