Modify User Service - Inputs

The table provides mandatory inputs for this web service.

Input Description


The login ID of the Super User, Work Supervisor, or Administrator

Users can also specfy their Login ID. However, they can only modify their user name and locale information.



The name of the enterprise of the Super User, Work Supervisor, or Administrator.


The name of the enterprise to which the modifying user belongs.



The first name of the user.


The last name of the user.


The middle name of the user.
PartitionKey A parameter used only in special circumstances.

The PartiotionKey contains the partition number for the user in case the user based partitioning is implemented.

IsEncrypted Specify true if you want the password in the encrypted format.

Specify false if you do not want the password in the encrypted format.



Specify the password that you want to update.

Note: If you have specified true for the IsEncrypted attribute, specify the encrypted password. While logging into TIBCO MDM from UI as well as from the web service, specify the decrypted form of a password.

If you have specified false for the IsEncrypted attribute, specify the plain text password. While logging into TIBCO MDM from UI as well as from the web service, specify the as is password mentioned in the request file.

Roles The role for the user name. Specify an existing role from the enterprise.

If you do not specify a role, it retrieves the role that was previously assigned to the user.



Only a language supported by TIBCO MDM is accepted. This input is mandatory if the country is specified. You can keep the Country value blank and specify the language value.


The name of the country of the new user.


Only a date format value supported by TIBCO MDM is accepted. By default, DD-MM-YY value is specified in the request XML file. You can change the specified date format. The supported date format values are:


Only a time format value supported by TIBCO MDM is accepted. By default, the hh:mm:ss value is specified in the request XML file. You can change the specified time format. The supported time format values are:
  • hh:mm:ss (24 hours)
  • hh:mm:ss AM/PM (12 hours)


Only a timestamp format value supported by TIBCO MDM is accepted. By default, the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S value is specified in the request XML file. You can change the specified timestamp format. The supported timestamp format values are:
  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S -Time is displayed in a 24 hour format with milliseconds. .S indicates milliseconds.
  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S AM/PM - Time is displayed in a 12 hour forma with miliseconds.
  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S z - Time is displayed in a 24 hour format with milliseconds and time zone. Z indicates time zone.
  • YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S AM/PM z - Time is displayed in a 12 hour format with milliseconds and time zone.


Only the time zone ID is accepted. For example, Asia/Kolkata. By default, the Asia/Tokyo value is specified in the request XML file.

Specify the time zone ID from the supported time zones listed in the following files:

  • $MQ_HOME\mdm\8.3\common\standard\samples\timezone\UserProfileTimeZoneList.txt
Delegation Profile  
DelegationActive Specify true to activate delegation to the specified users. After the delegation is activated, all work items are automatically delegated to the specified users.

Specify false to deactivate delegation of the specified users.

StartDate Specify the start date when the delegation is to be activated.
EndDate Specify the end date when the delegation is to be deactivated.
Notify Specify true to notify the users about the work items delegated to them. After the work item is delegated to another user, an alert message is displayed when the user logs in to the company.
AutoRevertFlag Specify true or false.

If you specify true, the delegation remains in effect even after the delegation end date has passed.

Users Specify name of the users to whom you want to delegate the work items based on their role.
AttributeHelp Specify Y to display the repository attribute Help. To edit records, move the cursor over an attribute; this displays a Help icon.

Specify N if you do not want to display the repository attribute Help.