Viewing Record History

Each time you modify the record, every record in the repository is saved in different versions. The first time you create the record, the record is in V1 (version 1). The next time you modify the record and save it, a new version V2 of the record is created with the latest changes. For every change you make to the record, a new version is created when you save it. You can view the changes made in each of these versions by viewing the record history.


  1. Click Browse and Search.
  2. From the Repository Name drop-down list, select the name of the repository.
  3. Click View All. A list of records is displayed.
  4. Select the record for which you want to view the history and click . The Record History screen is displayed.

    The first part of the screen shows Repository information. The second part of the screen shows the history of the versions of the record. It shows the following details:

    • Version number: Shows all the version numbers of a record.
    • Operation - Sub operation: The operation that was performed on the record.
    • Event: The Event type of the record. Click Event Type to view the Event Log.
    • Event ID: The ID of the event.
    • Status: Indicates whether the operation was a success or a failure.
    • Performed On: Indicates the date and time of the operation.
    • Modified By: Details who modified the repository.
    • Backend System: The name of the backend system involved in the operation.
    • Message: Indicates message or comment entered as a part of Reason code or Reason change while adding or modifying a record.
    For information on viewing Effective Date record history, refer to Viewing Effective Date Record History.