Directory Names

FileWatcher works on a set of directories for file processing.

  • The directory for incoming files (incoming).
  • The directory for successfully uploaded files (done).
  • The directory for files that fail (rejected).

These directories are specified in the FileWatcher configuration file.

Parameter Default Directory Name Description
InComingDir incoming Location where new files appear. These directories are polled at specified intervals.
DoneDir done Location where successfully uploaded files appear.
RejectedDir rejected Location for failed files.

Each directory can be specified with an absolute path or one relative to the MQ_COMMON_DIR or MQ_HOME or MQ_LOG environment variables. To specify an absolute path, omit the <Relative> tag.

In the following example, the data set is defined, and the new files are placed in the $MQ_COMMON_DIR/EAI/PrimData/incoming directory.

<DataSet type="single" >
	   <URIInfo scheme="local">

FileWatcher maintains a list of files processed during a run. If the same file is resubmitted for processing, it is rejected. Duplicates are detected by file name.