Data Storage

The following table lists the data storage components:

Data Storage Components
Component Name Description
Database The Database is the primary data store and contains all critical data.
File System When TIBCO MDM processes data, several intermediate files are created and used as reference.

The file store is referenced by the MQ_COMMON_DIR environment variable and divided into the following sub components:

  • /Temp 
This is where all temporary files are stored. These files need not be backed up and recovered.
  • /Received
All incoming messages received by TIBCO MDM are stored here in their original format, before they are processed. These files are not referred from any database tables. Once created, these files are used for reference only. When these files are processed, they are copied to another location and that copy is referenced from database tables. It is recommended that these files be backed up and included in recovery.
  • /Sent 
All outgoing messages sent by TIBCO MDM are stored here in the final format. Once created, these files are for reference only. These files are not referenced from the database; they are created based on canonical messages, which are referred from database tables. It is recommended that these files be backed up and included in recovery.
  • /Work 
All intermediate files generated by TIBCO MDM are stored here. Once created, these files are for reference only. These files are referred by database tables. It is recommended that these files be backed up and included in recovery.
  • <enterprise specific directory>
This directory is identified by the enterprise internal name, which is specified when the enterprise is created. Any files stored under the upload and master subdirectories are data files, i.e. files uploaded to data sources, any images, and files associated with records stored in repositories. These files are referred by database tables. If the records have images or attributes of type FILE, these directories must be backed up.
  • <filewatcher directories>
The File watcher configuration refers to the directories being monitored. These directories can be located any where in MQ_COMMON_DIR. The best practice is to configure File watcher so that these directories are part of <enterprise specific directory>. These directories contain files received and processed by File watcher. These files should be backed up.
Message Server The message server is used for message based integration with external and internal systems/partners and to manage internal processes within TIBCO MDM.

All the pre-defined queues are defined as durable and all messages put into the queues are critical. If messages are lost, any workflows pending initiation or in progress will fail. All pre-defined topics are not durable and do not contain any critical data.

Note that many additional queues and topics may be defined to integrate TIBCO MDM with other systems in the enterprise.

Cache The Cache server stores transitory data, which is either discarded or eventually saved to the database. It is possible to configure the application such that all data stored in the cache is not required when disaster recovery happens. This is considered cache "full recovery" mode.

If the cache is not configured for full recovery, if a disaster occurs, some of the workflows which are not yet initiated may be lost.