Quick Export Data Filter Query

You can export golden copy records by specifying catalog ID. The golden copy records are confirmed records. You can also create an SQL query to filter records based on the criteria described in the inputs of the search query.

Quick Export Data Filter Query - Inputs

This web service accepts the following inputs:

Input Description Expected Value
DataProvider Fully qualified package name of the IDataProvider interface. com.tibco.mdm.repository.engine.dataprovider and ProductInfoDataProvider
DataProcessor Fully qualified package name of the IDataProcessor interface. com.tibco.mdm.repository.engine.dataprocessor and RecordToCSVProcessor
CATALOGID An ID of the catalog for which quick export needs to be triggered. User specified
SEARCHQUERY (Optional) Searches records based on filter criteria and exports all golden copy records for the repository.

The Search Query must select productkeyid and modversion columns. If a table contains different column names, ensure that columns are aliased in the SQL query. For example, to export all confirmed Person repository records with PERSON_NAME attribute starting with 'A':

select gc.productkey "productkeyid", gc.version "modversion", p.cperson_name from goldencopy gc, person p where gc.productkey=p.cproductkeyid and gc.version=p.cmodversion and p.cperson_name like 'A%'
User specified