Enabling Process State for Large Workflows

The large workflows often create a large process state. Out-of-the-box 8000 characters process state are supported.

If the workflow use case generates more than 8000 characters, enable the Enable Huge process state property.


  1. Add the Enable Huge process state property in Configurator (Tools > Add Configuration Value). Enter the following details in each field:
    • Configuration value name: Enable Huge process state
    • Internal name: com.tibco.mdm.processstate.hugeoverflow
    • Version: 8.3
    • Visibility: Advanced
    • Description: This property enables huge overflow on PROCESSSTATE.STATEPARAM.
    • Current Value: True
    • Default Value: False
    • Category: Optimization
  2. Run the AlterProcessState.sql script to change the data type of STATEPARAM2 column from the PROCESSSTATE table. The script is located in the $MQ_HOME/db/databasename/migration/Migrate82_83 folder
    • The script may mark indexes on the PROCESSSTATE table unusable. To resolve this problem, you can rebuild the indexes.
    • After the support for huge process state is enabled, reverting to the out-of-the-box support is difficult and result into the loss of information. Therefore, switching back and forth is not recommended.
    • Enabling the huge process state support results in storing the huge data in the PROCESSSTATE table. This impacts the workflow throughput.