Editing Retrieved Records

After records are searched and retrieved, the following screen is displayed:

The Results table allows cell-level editing, as well as mass editing.


  1. To update more than one record with the same value in a column, select the records, enter the value in the topmost row, and click Apply.

    You can select individual rows by checking the corresponding checkboxes. You can also select all the rows on the screen or page by checking the checkbox on the table header.

  2. Click Next when all the changes have been made on all the records. An asterisk (*) indicates a row change. Also, values on the mass edit row are re-initialized to blank.
    Note: Only non-empty values can be applied using the mass edit row.

    If the field value in the mass edit field row is empty, it is ignored. To apply an empty value, individually enter the corresponding record field. All the selected records are added to the master list.

    Modifying a record field value without selecting the record automatically selects the record and adds it to the master list.

  3. Click Revert to revert the selected records where they were before being added into the search session.
  4. Click Remove if you want to take out records from mass update all together. That is, if you do not want some of the searched records to be included in a mass update, then you can select those records and remove them from the mass update.
  5. Click Cancel if you want to go to a new session of the Mass Update screen.