Customization of Actions

There are only two valid values that can be assigned to ACTION_LIST:

  • RFCIN — On submitting the form with Action as RFCIN, it sends an RFCIN message to the Supplier based on the credentials. RFCIN is only valid for the retailer.
  • FACTSHEET — On submitting the form with Action as FACTSHEET, it generates the PDF format of the product.

The following three constraints are provided out of box and are recommended to be this way.

	  <name>Action List</name>
	  <description>list of all actions possible with the organization.</description>
		<const type="string">SUPPLIER</const>
		<const type="string">FACTSHEET- Generate factsheet</const>
	  <name>Action List 1</name>
	  <description>list of all actions possible with the organization.</description>
		<const type="string">RETAILER</const>
		<const type="string">RFCIN</const>
		<const type="string">RFCIN- Generate RFCIN Message</const>
		<const type="string">FACTSHEET- Generate factsheet</const>
	  <name>Action List 2</name>
	  <description>list of all actions possible with the organization.</description>
		<const type="string">RETAILER</const>
		<const type="string">FACTSHEET</const>
		<const type="string">FACTSHEET- Generate factsheet</const>
		<const type="string">RFCIN- Generate RFCIN Message</const>

In the ACTION_LIST, FACTSHEET and RFCIN are must and description after “-“is Configurable. We can change the description as required. Default value populated for ACTION on the screen is RFCIN on retailer enterprise and FACTSHEET on supply side.