
This service method invokes the work item related functions such as query work item, close work item, and so on. The request and response XML instances for this service method must be well-formed and compliant with their corresponding schemas.

  • Work Item Request — Workitem_Action.xsd

    The work item request schema supports the capturing of arbitrary user inputs. It uses the FormResult element instead of the Accept element. Valid values are ’Accept’ and ’Reject’. Any other value passed is ignored and defaulted to Accept.

    When validation is turned on, the arbitrary input from the user application must be passed within the CustomAttributes element as follows:

<FormResult etype="Attribute" type="string">Accept</FormResult

  		<raiseAlarm type="string">Alarm string</raiseAlarm>
  		<raiseAlarm1 type="string">Alarm string</raiseAlarm1>
  		<Decision etype="Attribute" type="string">val</Decision>
Note: Since release 8.2.0 onwards, the FormResult parameter is deprecated, you are recommended to use Close/Approve, Close/Reject or CloseAll/Approve, or CloseAll/Reject.

The following is the schema component that supports arbitrary user inputs.

<xs:complexType name="WorkItemCustAttrsType" mixed="true">
<xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  • Work Item Response — Workitem_Action.xsd