Changing Seed Data to Customize the Forms and Templates
You can change seed data to customize the forms and templates.
For a custom FormPresentation, add an entry in the WORKFLOWFORM table. While adding an entry, you must consider the following points:
- Note that the type = TASK.
- Ensure that the ID is unique and is more than maximum IDs assigned to any entry and it is more than 10000.
- Ensure that entry corresponding to 'FormPresentation' points to custom mails and form.
For example,
INSERT INTO WORKFLOWFORM ( ID, VERSION, OWNERORGANIZATIONID, NAME, DEFINITION, ACTIVE, MODMEMBERID,MODDATE, MODVERSION, TYPE, ACTIONABLE, reassignmailtemplateid, formid, delegmailtemplateid, mailTemplateID, ) VALUES (22000, 1, 1, 'Mass update approval', '', 'Y', 101, TO_Date('03-15-2010 01:32:30 PM', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM'), 1, TASK , 'Y', 21000, 21001, 21002, 21003);
For a new Form, add an entry in the CONFIGURATIONDEFINITION table. While adding an entry, ensure that the name and ID are unique.
For example,
INSERT INTO CONFIGURATIONDEFINITION(ID, "TYPE", OWNERID, GLOBAL, "NAME", SELECTOR, DESCRIPTION, DEFINITIONTYPE, DEFINITION, ACTIVE, MODMEMBERID, MODDATE, MODVERSION) VALUES ('33', 'FORM', '1', 'Y', 'fmretailer.xml', 'WORKFLOW', 'Form for retailer workitems', 'File', 'standard/forms/fmretailer.xml', 'Y', '1', TO_DATE('15-03-2010 04:01:00 pm','DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM'), '1');
For a new email template, add an entry in the WORFLOWFORM table. While adding an entry, you must consider the following points:
- Ensure the ID and name are unique.
- Ensure that the ID is more than maximum IDs assigned to any entry and it is more than 10000.
For example,
INSERT INTO WORKFLOWFORM ( ID, VERSION, OWNERORGANIZATIONID, NAME, DEFINITION, ACTIVE, MODMEMBERID,MODDATE, MODVERSION, TYPE, ACTIONABLE ) VALUES ( 21000, 1, 1, 'Email for xxx', 'com.tibco.mdm.ui.workflow.engine.emailtemplates.EmailWorkItemDelegationNotification', 'Y', 101, TO_Date('03-15-2010 01:32:30 PM', 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS AM'), 1, 'EMAIL' , 'Y');
If you want to change the FORMID or any of the email templates assigned to the existing entries, update the existing entries in the WORKFLOWFORM table.
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