Configuring Custom Repository

You can manually configure a repository in the CacheConfig.xml file. The repository space is created for the configured repository, and the configuration parameters are retrieved from the CacheConfig.xml file instead from the RECORD cache.

For example, to configure the customer repository in the CacheConfig.xml file:


  1. Locate the table name for the Customer repository in the database.
  2. Add the RECORD prefix to the repository table name and configure the repository in the CacheConfig.xml file as follows:
       <Name>RECORD_$CUSTOMER_TABLE_NAME</Name> <!-Mandatory -- >
       <Description>This is a custom defined repository space</Description> <!-Optional -- >
       <Type>distributed</Type> <!-Mandatory -- >
       <SingleByteObjectSize></SingleByteObjectSize> <!-Mandatory -- >
       <MultiByteObjectSize></MultiByteObjectSize> <!-Mandatory -- >
          <ReplicationCount></ReplicationCount> <!-Optional -- >
          <Limit></Limit>   <!-Optional -- >
          <ExpirationTime></ExpirationTime> <!-Optional -- >
        <EvictionPolicy></EvictionPolicy> <!-Optional -- >
        <LockWaitTime></LockWaitTime> <!-Optional -- >
        <LockExpirationTime></LockExpirationTime> <!-Optional -- >
  3. Save the CacheConfig.xml file.