Pseudo Attributes

Pseudo attributes are those attributes that are not related to a specific repository, that is, they are present for each repository and each relationship. As the expression for such fields is fixed, it is grayed out on the UI.

Pseudo Attributes
Category Attribute Description Expression Type
Modification Modified By A search can be performed based on the user who modified the records. equals Enumeration
Modification Date A search can be performed for the select records based on a date or a range of dates. For a range, the start and end dates are inclusive. All the operators for date mentioned in table . Date
Synchronization Synchronization Target The values on which search can be done is based on previously done synchronization. The synchronization target shows a list of Datapools and systems with which any synchronization is done. If N/A is selected, this filter as well as Backend System and Status is not applied. If Any is selected, all records which are synchronized with any Backend System are selected. equals List (multi-selection)
Backend System This list shows the backend systems with which synchronization was done. If any synchronization target is selected, the backend system list only shows the backend systems for the selected Datapool. If N/A is selected, this filter is not applied. "Any" indicates that all records which were synchronized with any backend system can be selected. equals List (multi-selection)
Synchronization Status This shows the list of various synchronization statuses. The status list shows only those statuses which are applicable for selected backend systems and synchronization targets. "Any" means that all synchronized records with any status are selected. equals List (multi-selection)
Classification Classification Scheme You cannot specify a Classification Description without first choosing a Classification Scheme. Records can be searched by specifying any classifications associated with the repository. You must specify a classification scheme before specifying the classification description. Classification description is always matched with all classification codes which have the classification descriptions starting with the specified value. equals Enumeration
Classification Description equals String
Classification Code equals String
Relationships checkExistence Allows you to search based on existence or non-existence of a relationship.
  • If 'Exists' is selected, only those records are displayed that have the selected relationship. For example, if Customer is the root repository, some records may have a relationship 'Customer-Address' and some records may not have Customer-Address relationship. In this case, only those Customer records will be displayed that have an Address too.
  • If 'Does not exist' is selected, then only those records will be displayed that do not have an 'Address', i.e. do not have a Customer-Address relationship.
  • When 'Exists' is selected, the user may specify the count of related records. For example, if the count is specified as 2 then only those Customer records will be displayed that have exactly two Addresses.
equals Boolean
Count Number of related records. equals Numeric
Versions Versions Either choose the latest version of the repository or specify a date and time. equals Enumeration
Record State Record State You can choose between confirmed, unconfirmed, deleted, or all. If any record has a draft version, such versions can only be viewed within the process which created the draft record. Record search does not include any draft records.
  • confirmed: This is a default option and it selects the last confirmed version of any selected records. If a record does not have confirmed version, it is not selected. Any unconfirmed version after the last confirmed version is ignored. Also, if a record is deleted and deletion is confirmed, it will not be included.
  • unconfirmed: This selects the last confirmed or last unconfirmed version of any selected records. If last version of record is confirmed, it is still included. If a record is deleted and deletion is confirmed, it will not be included.
  • deleted: This selects those records which are deleted. A deleted record must have last version as confirmed or unconfirmed.
  • All: Selects all versions of all records selected.
equals Enumeration