Workflow Inputs and Outputs

A business process definition can have any number of input and output parameters.

The attribute direction indicates whether it is an ‘incoming’ or ’outgoing’ parameter. Incoming parameters are the ones sent to the workflow by the outside environment, and outgoing parameters are the ones the business process will return.

The following parameter is a special parameter which is mandatory and should always be present exactly as specified. This parameter is used to pass input workflow request document.

<Parameter direction="in" type="document" name="inboundname">1</Parameter>

The following parameter is also a special parameter which is optional and is used to pass any record list.

<Parameter direction="in" type="recordlist" name="inRecordList">2</Parameter>

These two parameters can be followed by any number of input parameters. These parameters need to be specified only if the workflow will be called from another workflow (as a subflow).

The parameter type indicates how the workflow should regard the value specified, in this case the number 1. Incoming documents will be numbered in the order passed in so that the first will get the number 1, the second 2, and so forth. The name attribute defines the internal name that the parameter will be referred to in the rest of the workflow. In the provided example, inRecordList will now be used to refer to the first incoming record list.

You can specify any number of input/output parameters. The parameter specification should be defined similar to any activity parameter.

For example:

<Parameter direction="in" type="string" eval="variable" name="inStatus"> testInStatus</Parameter>
<Parameter direction="out" eval="variable" type="string" name="status">finalStatus</Parameter>

For more information on how to define these parameters, see Parameter Definition.